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how do I install KDE or GNOME ?

alright so I finally came to a conclusion...i'm going to use gnome exclusively

here's the problem, when I uninstalled kde, rebooted my machine, and logged in I got the msg asking me if I wanted to make gnome.desktop my default. sooo I says sure, and it loads up the ugly non-functional basic desktop that you get from installing x.

can I just re-yum gnome or is there going to be some accrobatics I'm going to have to go threw in order to get gnome back? [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ph34r.png[/img]


as root do this


yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"


and for those of you wanting to install KDE via yum try this


yum groupinstall "KDE Software Development"





do you everything there is to know about linux anyweb?

your always the first to answer and ur aways right.

Can't thank you enough ;)

I notice (after I re-installed fc6) that Gnome relay's on a couple of packages from kde or at lease what It seems to me anyway.

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