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Easy question - How do I combine scp & ssh?

Hi. I'm a newbie and working on a shell script.


Trying to first get one small file from a web server -- wget [/url][url=]


Then I need to scp it to the db server. I've set up a single-purpose ssh keys and by running this can connect w/out entering password:


ssh -i ~/.ssh/whoisit MyHostName



My problems is this: when I run scp myfile.xml MyHostName:/dir1/dir2/myfile.xml, I get prompted for password.

If I run the ssh command above, I instantly connect to the db server and cannot scp, because I'm already on the remote machine.


So, my question is how do I utilize the ssh keys I've set up with scp. I just want to:

1) wget file

2) activate the ssh key, so I connect to the db server w/out entering password

3) copy the file to db servers /dir1/dir2

4) do some kind of a check if the file made it there allright


Thank you,


Quote:Hi. I'm a newbie and working on a shell script. 

Trying to first get one small file from a web server -- wget [/url]


Then I need to scp it to the db server. I've set up a single-purpose ssh keys and by running this can connect w/out entering password:


ssh -i ~/.ssh/whoisit MyHostName



My problems is this: when I run scp myfile.xml MyHostName:/dir1/dir2/myfile.xml, I get prompted for password.

If I run the ssh command above, I instantly connect to the db server and cannot scp, because I'm already on the remote machine.


So, my question is how do I utilize the ssh keys I've set up with scp. I just want to:

1) wget file

2) activate the ssh key, so I connect to the db server w/out entering password

3) copy the file to db servers /dir1/dir2

4) do some kind of a check if the file made it there allright


Thank you,

First off, you want to get Public/Private Key Authentication setup:

Then you want to do this: [url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=2848][/url][url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=2848] (just before it says edit your bashrc)


But when you are making/editing the ~/.ssh/config add an extra line into it:

Host some
  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/whoisit
  User znx
  Port 12345


Now you should be able to just do: ssh some or scp file some:./filename or doing directories scp -r dir1/ some:./dir1


To do a check that it made it there ok you can send an ssh with ls like this: ssh some ls filename or you could do an md5 check with ssh some md5sum filename


Hope that helps


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