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I have vectorlinux 5.8 SOHO installed.


I want to use truecrypt; I have many encrypted volumes and want to load them on linux.


At the truecrypt download page, [/url][url=] there was no option for slackware, so the only choice was to download the source file and compile it.

After downloading the source, i read the readme and tried to follow the commands, but it didn't work out.


Can anyone give me step by step procedure to install truecrypt...


Quote:After downloading the source, i read the readme and tried to follow the commands, but it didn't work out.

please paste the commands you tried followed by the errors here





I tried installing after reading the readme, this is what the readme said....


Instructions for Building TrueCrypt for Linux:

To build TrueCrypt execute the following commands:

cd Linux

The build script will first verify requirements for building TrueCrypt.
You may be prompted for additional information, which cannot be determined
automatically. Then the building process will start.

Installing TrueCrypt:

To build and install TrueCrypt, execute the following commands:

cd Linux

The installation script will first verify requirements for running TrueCrypt.
If successful, you will be prompted for installation options and the
installation will proceed.

Requirements for Running Truecrypt on Linux

- Linux kernel version 2.6.5 or compatible

- Device mapper (dmsetup, and loop device
(losetup) infrastructure, which are available in all major Linux


and after I ran the and commands.. I got...

for build...I didn't know what to provide

root:# ./
Checking build requirements...
Linux kernel ( source directory [/usr/src/linux]:


and for install...

root:# ./
Checking installation requirements...
/dev/mapper/control not found - create? [Y/n]: y
./ line 50: dmsetup: command not found
Error: TrueCrypt requires device mapper tools (dmsetup) 1.00.08 or later.


well then you need this


Quote:Error: TrueCrypt requires device mapper tools (dmsetup) 1.00.08 or later.

Quote:well then you need this 

<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="3220" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Error: TrueCrypt requires device mapper tools (dmsetup) 1.00.08 or later.

I've done that part, but now I don't what to give for the kernel source location.

After typing uname -r i got and from one of the mirrors I downloaded kernel-src- which was under [/url][url=]


When I gave its path, it said its not the right version. Did I download a wrong file or was I supposed to extract it or something......


(and I shifted from vectorlinux soho to vectorlinux standard 5.8 gold )

Is there a repository you can connect to to maybe expedite this process? That makes things about 45643262 times easier. Maybe there's an APT package instead. You're in the right place for help, don't give up!

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