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added a 'addthis' icon to signatures

hi all,


i've added another feature and it's an 'addthis' widget (look at my signature and click on the widget)


basically if you read a post/news/blog/article/solution/question/whatever here on the forums that you'd like published on digg or facebook or myspace or.... (you choose) then click on the relavant icon and the rest is automagic


cool huh ?





At first I didn't see it, then I spotted that it required me to allow via NoScript. Fixed!


Do we want it after every comment? How along side the topic [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png[/img]!


well i only stuck it under the signature as i was experimenting with the HTML wrappers and I got lucky (added the code into the signature gap code or so)


I guess with some experimentation I could find a bettter place to stick it so it only shows up once per topic, and I did earlier but then it appeared right at the bottom of the page, which isn't perfect either


so any ideas ?


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