How do I enable jcomponent called universe? - bmann - 2008-04-17
The terminal states "You will have to enable component called 'universe'" when I try to install ndiswrapper.
How do I enable jcomponent called universe? - anyweb - 2008-04-17
you must be using Ubuntu,
here's how I did it here and I quote
Quote:Configuring Ndiswrapper
As I'm new to Ubuntu (but not new to linux), It seemed that I had to first enable the universe. This wiki advised me to open the Synaptic Package Manager tool (gui front end for apt), unfortunately I didn't get very far as point 3 referred to the following:-
"In the new dialog that opens, click the Add button on the right side of the dialog."
However no such dialog appeared [screenshot]. It did turn out that 'community-maintained open source software' was already selected (and that was what I needed), so I continued on with the next step and became root:-
sudo -i
I downloaded this file and proceeded to do as follows:-
root@anyweb-laptop:~# apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter
That will prompt you 'yes/no' to install the firmware, so obviously answer yes if you want to get wireless to work. Next (and this is where the linux-noobs and windows users must be getting confused) it's time to patch the firmware so I did this:-
anyweb@anyweb-laptop:~$ sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o
And off it went....done yet ? no. Next I had to do this...
anyweb@anyweb-laptop:~$ sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/`uname -r` ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o
Nearly there, it tells me I need to bookmark this link and then reboot, so I do that. After the reboot everything looked the same and I was still connected to the internet via a wired connection, I removed the wired connection and issued:-
anyweb@anyweb-laptop:~$ modprobe bcm43xx
I then proceeded to disable the Wired connection in Network manager. Now ifconfig shows me eth1 (the wireless nic) and I can ping wirelessly, it worked ! *phew*