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Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - Printable Version

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Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - Dungeon-Dave - 2008-10-15

"Fedora moves a little too fast and we were not happy about some of the configuration management features."


More news:

Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - glennzo - 2008-10-21

Quote:"Fedora moves a little too fast and we were not happy about some of the configuration management features." 

More news:
Fedora is not meant to be used in a production environment. What genius decided to go with Fedora for their servers?

Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - Dungeon-Dave - 2008-10-22

Quote:Fedora is not meant to be used in a production environment. What genius decided to go with Fedora for their servers?
There are some that could argue of Linux in general (or Windows, etc) - but my guess is that it worked at the time and appeared to be stable, then evolved piecemeal over time and now they've reassessed their requirements against distros available and decided to revamp their setup.


Interesting they plumped for Ubuntu, as opposed to RHEL or CentOS - they're jumping ship from an RPM-based distro completely.


(footnote: this ISN'T an invitation to start distro wars! Just an observation is all, people!)


erm.. ahem...



Powered by Fedora 9" [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png[/img]


How do you find Fed9, by the way? I've not played with 7 or 8 yet!

Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - hybrid - 2008-10-22

I chose CentOS over Fedora for my web server simply because of its greater focus on stability and tried-and-tested-ness (you get what I mean).


Fedora is great if you want the latest and greatest packages, but on my server, it doesn't make a lot of sense for me personally. I just want the machine to run and keep running, with only security and critical updates.

Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - glennzo - 2008-10-22

Quote:There are some that could argue of Linux in general (or Windows, etc) - but my guess is that it worked at the time and appeared to be stable, then evolved piecemeal over time and now they've reassessed their requirements against distros available and decided to revamp their setup. 

Interesting they plumped for Ubuntu, as opposed to RHEL or CentOS - they're jumping ship from an RPM-based distro completely.


(footnote: this ISN'T an invitation to start distro wars! Just an observation is all, people!)


erm.. ahem...



Powered by Fedora 9" [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png[/img]
No distro wars here. Just wondering why someone would go with Fedora as a server in the first place. It evolves very rapidly. In my opinion they should have gone with Redhat from the get go. 

Quote:How do you find Fed9, by the way? I've not played with 7 or 8 yet!
Like every other Fedora release. Bumpy to begin with, very usable, but there are always some things that don't quite work as expected. Some things that worked in the previous release are suddenly broken. We usually find a way to iron things out, then just when all is well here comes the next release. 9 is working flawlessly on my laptop. Sluggish on the desktop with the NVidia card. I think its the new xorg that is slowing things down. That box was never sluggish with Fedora 7 or 8. But all in all I like Fedora 9. Hope 10 is a winner. We'll see in a couple weeks.

Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - anyweb - 2008-10-23

fyi runs on.............. Fedora 9 (currently)


infact it's been running on Fedora since.........2004


yeah i know i'm nuts...


one of these days i may get around to doing a centos install...






Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - glennzo - 2008-10-23

Quote:fyi runs on.............. Fedora 9 (currently) 

infact it's been running on Fedora since.........2004


yeah i know i'm nuts...


one of these days i may get around to doing a centos install...





Nice! No major problems with Fedora over the years? If I were running a web site such as this I would probably run it on Fedora too since I'm a Fedora fan. If I were running a business with hundreds or thousands of seats and multiple servers and uptime was of the utmost importance then I think that I would probably go with something like Redhat.


I will say that I have a server of sorts here that hosts my wiki and serves as a backup system for music and all of the usual family backup needs, receiving data from 5 networked computers in the house. Runs Fedora 9 right now and has been running Fedora for a couple years now. The system is up all the time, 24/7, and is always available. Never crashes and is rock solid in its role.

Wikimedia now on ubuntu! - Dungeon-Dave - 2008-10-25

Quote:I chose CentOS over Fedora for my web server simply because of its greater focus on stability and tried-and-tested-ness (you get what I mean).
Unfortunately, I do - out of several servers I maintain (Fed4, Fed7, Mandrake9 and CentOS4) the Cenny one has been mostly problem-free. I think I may move to CentOS for my home boxen when I get around to rebuilding it (running FC4 but is convinced it's Fed5 due to a broken yum-upgrade I attempted)