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How to compile gcc without a compiler installed?!?! - Printable Version

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How to compile gcc without a compiler installed?!?! - chuckycharms - 2009-11-15

Hey all!


I'm pretty fresh with linux, especially when it comes to installing stuff without rpm or yum. So i have a AstLinux distro, which is very slimmed down, and does not come with a c complier installed. Sooo, I try to install gcc, and when running the ./configure script simply results in an error of no c compiler installed!


SO, I need some detailed help in how to get this thing installed.


This is my biggest downfall with being proficient with linux, I always seem to get stumped with installing the many pre-requisites for the one program i need. ANY help would be awesome!



Adam R.J.

How to compile gcc without a compiler installed?!?! - anyweb - 2009-11-15

from a quick look on i can see very little documentation to explain how to do what you want to do,


have you tried to email/contact Kristian ?


perhaps you could compile a package into the distro by doing as they advise here

How to compile gcc without a compiler installed?!?! - znx - 2009-11-15

This is like the chicken and the egg. Without a compiler you cannot compile a compiler. If the distribution does not provide a package for installation then the only other solution is to make a package yourself.


Obviously this requires another distribution, which in itself can be a problem. One solution might be to use an RPM from another distribution and hope that the dependencies it requires are available. However in the case of AstLinux, I think you will find yourself installing loads of other tools in preparation for GCC. This is because AstLinux is a super-cut-down distribution intended for a single purpose.


Maybe a solution would be to do the following, get a LiveCD distribution that has GCC and the other development tools present (Knoppix for instance). Mount your existing distribution on the LiveCD. That way you can compile a static version of GCC on Knoppix then pack/copy it onto your existing distribution. Certainly not ideal but I believe it would work.


Ultimately the best solution would be for you to select a distribution that is more suited to your purpose.