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minimized windows are gone in Gnome - Printable Version

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minimized windows are gone in Gnome - Charles Anthony - 2009-12-12

I am not sure whether this is an issue with GNome moreso than with Fedora.


Every time I minimize a window on my desktop, it becomes hidden away from view -- shrinking down into the bottom right corner. I can not reach them with my mouse cursor. How can I correct this problem?


This happened immediately after I removed my bottom panel. Previously, the minimized windows would be accessible in my bottom panel.

minimized windows are gone in Gnome - anyweb - 2009-12-12

if you press Alt and Tab together do you still see the window

minimized windows are gone in Gnome - Charles Anthony - 2009-12-15

Yes, pressing Alt+Tab reveals the minimized windows for me. That is the solution.

