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Railo Installation and Setup (CentOS, cPanel and Resin) - Printable Version

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Railo Installation and Setup (CentOS, cPanel and Resin) - anyweb - 2010-04-02

Primarily this post was originally going to be for my own use, but i think that the community at large will be able to benefit from it.


There will be an update to this at some point in time as the installation that i have here is far from perfect but it will give you a good starting block on how to get Railo up and running quickly and efficiently.


Step 1: – Gather all the required elements to make this work.


1. This blog post for instructions (Duh!)

2. You will need Java JDK (Java development toolkit) ( will be refered to simply as JDK ) – The JRE Installation on its own is unfortunately not sufficiant enough to beable to run railo. – The latest version available will be suitable to run Resin and Railo ( At the time of writing the latest version was 1.6.0 U19 )

3. You will need a copy of Caucho Resin ( ) – For this installation i selected Resin 3.1.10 ( latest )

4. You will need a copy of Railo ( ) – The version that has been selected for this installation is Railo 3.1.2 ( latest )


The above components are listed as they are what i have used on my installation.


read the rest @ >