Linux-Noob Forums
Ello - Printable Version

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Ello - warthog - 2003-12-22

Hello noob!!!!!

I am a prat, just so you all know :P I dont know anything about computers or operating systems or networking or firewalls.

The only thing i know about Windows is that they usually are made from glass and break easy. So dont ask me any questions OK...




other than that....


I like the forums dude... need a lesson in this i think...


/the HOG

Ello - Oroshi - 2003-12-23

Hello there, Welcome on aborad. :)we would like to make this forum to grow as a popular

Ello - kZo - 2003-12-23

It's alrigh, eveyone starts off new. That's why this forum was created. Thank Anyweb for that.


Even though you are new, it doesn't mean that you can have fun and post. And this is a great place to ask questions. There are a lot of people here that will be able to aid and assist you. [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ph34r.png[/img]

Ello - lytez - 2003-12-23

I am eleet! Asks questions of me and they shall be answered ten fold...welcome! [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img]

Ello - anyweb - 2003-12-24

welcome warthog,


ps everyone, warthog is one guy who actually got me interested in trying linux, so he ain't no noob at all ;-)







Ello - kZo - 2003-12-24

Man oh man.. I remember the guy who started me on linux. Mike. He worked for a data warehouse in NY somewhere. nick -Slappy Who knows where he is now, haven't seen him for about a year.


I think I might have scared him off with all the help I needed. o_O