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Sup. - Printable Version

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Sup. - Xolajin - 2004-02-09

Hello, i don't have Linux yet. But I plan on getting it sooner than later. Only problem now is there are other people that use the computer that wouldn't have a clue. They have problems with Win ME so. lol I can imagen the complaining I'd hear if I setup Linux. Besides the fact my computer isn't too great, and i have a bit to learn yet before I can actually feel comfrotable using the OS.


Any way online friend told me to check this site out so I'll save it and check back in time to time. So I thought I'd say SUP!.



Sup. - Oroshi - 2004-02-09

Welcome aboard mate :)hope this will be useful to you. Feel free to ask question and even stupid question we'll still answer them.


onec again. Welcome :)and enjoy your stay

Sup. - Lem0 - 2004-02-09

Quote:Feel free to ask question and even stupid question
I am a testiment to the patience of the members of this site. The reward for most console errors off a fresh boot goes to MEEEEEE! :)