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Wireless NIC card - Printable Version

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Wireless NIC card - edwinlcw - 2004-06-17

Can i know which brand of wireless nic card can be work with Redhat Linux Enterprise WS?


And how do i configure it? Is it same as configure a normal nic card?



Wireless NIC card - z0ny - 2004-06-18

You can get a large list of compatible devices here. Once the NIC has been detected you can use iwconfig (part of the wireless package) to configure it.



Wireless NIC card - edwinlcw - 2004-06-21

For the command, is it "ifconfig" instead of "iwconfig"??


Correct me if i'm wrong, 'cause i'm new in Linux world

Wireless NIC card - z0ny - 2004-06-21

I didn't spell it wrong, it's 'iwconfig' ("interface wireless config") instead of 'ifconfig' ("interface config").



Wireless NIC card - edwinlcw - 2004-06-22

OK, thanks.....


One more question, do i need to update the kernel in order to support for the wireless nic???

If i'm not mistaken, the kernel is 2.4.20...


Thanks again..

Wireless NIC card - z0ny - 2004-06-22

Your kernel should support wireless interfaces, but anyways, you should update your kernel due to security reasons (there are lots of exploits out there).



Wireless NIC card - edwinlcw - 2004-06-22

Thanks for your very helpfull information, zOny...


If i still face any problem, i will get back to you.....


Thanks once again.... :)

Wireless NIC card - hijinks - 2004-06-22


Wireless NIC card - michaelo123 - 2006-01-05

The list above is not new.


There is another wireless nic out which uses the ralink chipset...


This chipset i have used, and found it to be automatically detected by Linux...


This is surely a leap in the compatibility range for wireless network cards in Linux...



I bought my card off comlynx communications ltd, and i must say i highly recommend it to anyone.


