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dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - Printable Version

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dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - anyweb - 2005-06-14

heres a fyi for any of you that may run into this problem,


if you are installing fedora core release 4 on a dual boot system (one with xp already installed) and after installing Fedora, you get nothing more than a flashing GRUB_ line then try the following:-


insert cd1, and type linux rescue at the prompt


chroot /mnt/sysimage
cd /boot/grub


now you are in grub try the following (assuming a dual boot scenario, with two hdd's and linux installed on the 2nd hdd)


grub> root (hd1,1)
grub> setup (hd0)
grub> quit


once done, as long as there were no error messages above, try a reboot and hopefull grub will boot the system normally.





dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - znx - 2005-06-14

quick, cheap and simple (well 2/3 isn't bad [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img] )

dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - Substance - 2005-08-01

is there an article on how to dual boat with XP? ill be formatted my AMD rig downstairs cause of a nasty little IRC bug and ive tried Linux before but i believe im ready (tried it when i was 13, and it was mandrake im 16 now and would love to give linux another try. this time fedora core 4 o_o! also i heard windows vista is going to be open source?

dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - anyweb - 2005-08-01

no article here yet.


but in a nutshell, create two partitions on your hard disc (or use two separate hard discs)


install windows XP on one partition (install windows first)

install Fedora core release 4 on the second partition (or second hdd)

let the fedora installer use GRUB (a boot loader) to automatically boot between windows/linux, make sure when installing linux that you tell anaconda |(the fedora linux installer) to install linux to the 'blank' partition that you created for linux, let it AUTO partition THAT partition,


easy as that





dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - Substance - 2005-08-02

Quote:no article here yet. 

but in a nutshell, create two partitions on your hard disc (or use two separate hard discs)


install windows XP on one partition (install windows first)

install Fedora core release 4 on the second partition (or second hdd)

let the fedora installer use GRUB (a boot loader) to automatically boot between windows/linux, make sure when installing linux that you tell anaconda |(the fedora linux installer) to install linux to the 'blank' partition that you created for linux, let it AUTO partition THAT partition,


easy as that






i have a question about GRUB, does it matter where i install GRUB?

dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - znx - 2005-08-02

Quote:i have a question about GRUB, does it matter where i install GRUB?

without going into detail why...


grub will always install part of itself in the master boot sector (MBR), however beyond that the other parts of grub can be on any partition...

dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - Substance - 2005-08-04

Quote:<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Substance" data-cite="Substance" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="1613" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>i have a question about GRUB, does it matter where i install GRUB?

without going into detail why...


grub will always install part of itself in the master boot sector (MBR), however beyond that the other parts of grub can be on any partition...


i have 4 hardrives 2 SATA and 2 IDE hardrives ok..


i install Fedora on a 80GB HD parition into 40:40GB partiions i put my backup files on my first partition of the 80GB,


anyways it installed as hdc2/3


i got my .bin file put it on my C:\ drive and editted my boot.ini as C:\fc4boot.bin="fedora Core 4"


the NTDLR bootloader came up asking me whhich OS i would like to select i choose fedora core and i get the GRUB and blinking cursor my question is how would i address the command you listed above?


like i have HDC,SDA,SDB,HDA =/

dual boot woes - /dev/hdb does not have any corres - znx - 2005-08-04

ok.. using NTLoader to boot linux can be done..


these two use lilo




but the process of creating the bootloader is the same just the setup in grub a little different (guessing the /dev/hdc2):

# grub-install /dev/hdc2


# grub
> setup (hd2,1)
> q

That will install setup grub on /dev/hdc2, then you do:

# dd if=/dev/hdc2 of=/bootsect.bin bs=512 count=1


Now you have a copy of the boot sector, copy this over to your windows C:\. Then you will need to edit the boot.ini


Open C:\boot.ini, personally I'd use the 'msconfig' utility. Then add:

C:\bootsect.bin = "Linux!"


Hopefully thats it...



PS: I know you said you had the .bin, but this was a run through just to check you did all the bits ;)