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How to install java on Debain - Printable Version

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How to install java on Debain - jsn06 - 2005-09-12

go downlaod jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin from Sun ; just google jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin & you will get the result with the download center-downlod from


scroll down & Required: You must accept the license agreement to download the product.


choose the .bin file


choose the Linux Platform -& choose the Linux self-extracting file jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin save it to your /home/* for the moment.




as root su -


cd /home




mv * where your bin is /opt


hit enter & cd /opt


chmod +x *-linux-i586.bin ( if you just type chmod +x (space) jre- with tab you will get the rest)

(try to use the tab instead of typing out every single letter).



Hit enter. Type:


./*.bin (or ./jre(tab) & it will give you the rest



Hit enter. Hold the enter key down until the yes/no line appears to allow you to agree to the license agreement. Type "yes" and hit enter. Wait for the installation to complete.






rm *.bin



Hit enter. Type "y" and hit enter.



As root su -



ln -s /opt/jre1.5.0_04/plugin/i386/ns7/ /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/


Hit enter. Close the terminal. Reboot your machine and restart Firefox to enable the java plugin. You could go to [/url][url=] and click the start button to test your java plugin installation.



hope it was clear enough,just use your imagination & try to show the path,take em by the hand & it should be installed.




to be continued :)

How to install java on Debain - xDamox - 2005-09-12

Quote:as root su - 


mv /home/* where your bin is /opt


hit enter & cd /opt

How come you do mv /home/* /opt that will move every users directory

to /opt?


When a user goes to login they won't be allowed because you have moved there




How come you do mv /home/* /opt that will move every users directory

to /opt?


When a user goes to login they would be allowed because you have moved there


shouldn't that be



How come you do mv /home/* /opt that will move every users directory

to /opt?


When a user goes to login they  WON'T  be allowed because you have moved there




fixed :P

How to install java on Debain - Shadowcat - 2005-10-15

This guide is WRONG. You are not supposed to extract the plugin directly. You are supposed to use java-package. For further reference, see [/url][url=]

How to install java on Debain - flounder - 2006-05-14

Quote:This guide is WRONG. You are not supposed to extract the plugin directly. You are supposed to use java-package. For further reference, see [/url][url=]

what does java-package do that extracting the plugin directly doesn't do?

How to install java on Debain - Shadowcat - 2006-05-21

Quote:<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid="6533" data-ipsquote-username="Shadowcat" data-cite="Shadowcat" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="1795" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This guide is WRONG. You are not supposed to extract the plugin directly. You are supposed to use java-package. For further reference, see [/url][url=]

what does java-package do that extracting the plugin directly doesn't do?


java-package creates a .deb