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hd speed? - Printable Version

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hd speed? - gus - 2005-12-04


if you don't mind me asking what is the read/write speed for the HD on this server. it seems a good speed.


hd speed? - anyweb - 2005-12-04

it's only a laptop so not fast


here's the results though


Quote:[root@www ~]# hdparm -tT /dev/hda 


Timing cached reads: 660 MB in 2.01 seconds = 328.74 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads: 58 MB in 3.13 seconds = 18.55 MB/sec



hd speed? - gus - 2005-12-04

cool tks, im bulding a new server and just wanted to see the speed in acton.
