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Fedora Frog - Printable Version

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Fedora Frog - joesnow - 2006-07-25

Taken from ---> [/url][url=] <---


Fedora Frog can:


* Install extra repositories [RPMForge]

Note: Not all repositories are mutually compatible. See the Warning mixing repositories

* Install GUI frontend for yum [yumex]

* Install commonly needed multimedia codecs

* Install DVD playback capability

* Install Java JRE and its plugin for Firefox

* Install Macromedia Flash plugin for Firefox

* Install extra fonts (including msttcorefonts)

* Install graphics drivers for nVidia and ATI cards

* Install Gnome Configuration Editor

* Install numlockx to turn on NumLock on startup

* Set up Gnome to open System Monitor every time you push Alt-Ctrl-Del

* Disable CD blocking in CD-ROM

* Set up Nautilus to open new folders in the same window

* Install rar archiver

* Install Adobe PDF reader

Note: This is not necessery to read PDF documents, you can read them using Evince too.

* Install Gwenview and digiKam imageviewers

* Install XMMS (analog of Winamp)

* Install amaroK media player

* Install stream directory browser Streamtuner

* Install CD ripper Grip

* Install Xine, VLC, Mplayer multimedia players

* Install RealPlayer 10

* Install Skype

* Install Thunderbird e-mail client

* Install Liferea RSS reader

* Install Opera web browser

* Install CD/DVD burning utility K3b

* Install FTP utility gFTP

* Install File share utility DC++

* Install P2P BitTorrent client Azureus

* Install P2P eMule Client aMule

* Install P2P Gnutella Client LimeWire

* Install KDE Edutainment programms

* Install Photo-realistic nightsky renderer Stellarium

* Install Some additional games

* Install Alacarte Gnome menu editor

* Install Shortcut to browse files as root

* Install Some desktop backgrounds, icons, themes and screensavers

* Install fortune and make Gnome Fish-applet to use it


To install Fedora Frog run these commands in terminal [Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal ]

wget -c
tar zxvf frog.tar.gz -C ~


To run Fedora Frog run:

xterm -e ~/.frog/




What is zenity and where to get it


If you have problems with zenity try as root (su -)


yum install zenity


tar: C: Not found in archive




tar zxvf frog.tar.gz
xterm -e .frog/

Fedora Frog - znx - 2006-07-30

hehe .. nice :P

Fedora Frog - grep65535 - 2006-07-31
