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Two XPs and a Linux - Printable Version

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Two XPs and a Linux - yonyemg - 2007-01-05

Hi all

I am a real noob [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img] so please help me. I was wondering if I can configure my machine to select between two versions of windows XP (Jap and Eng) and a Red Hat Linux 9.


Currently, my machine has only Japanese version of XP installed (pre-installed) but I wanted to add English version(usability) as well and, of course, a Red Hat for my black Baby.


Windows XP already has support for dual booting between different version of windows(Boot.ini? :/ ) and from what I've read Red Hat 9 can be configured to boot between Linux and windows. So, can it be configured like.


1. Select between Linux and DOS (windows) at first boot-up

2. Then Select between two windows installations, if windows was selected at the first boot-up




Display all three partitions at the first boot-up


Since I'am a noob [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img] , the simpler the better.


Thanks in advance.


Note : I've already rearrange the partitions to free space for English version of XP and Red Hat.

Two XPs and a Linux - anyweb - 2007-01-05

you can probably do what you want to do by installing english xp on another partition (boot.ini will list two versions of xp, simply rename one to JP and the other EN)


then install linux on a separate partition, I wouldn't recommend using redhat 9 as it is end of life as in not supported at all so insecure.


try fedora core release 6 instead, its current and could be considered to be the 'current' free redhat distro


grub will handle the boot loader between DOS (your two xp partitions) and linux (fedora core release 6)




Two XPs and a Linux - yonyemg - 2007-01-06

I see I'll try it once I've backup my data. Thanks.