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Tutorial to getting a Quickcam 4000 to stream on the net on ubuntu - Printable Version

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Tutorial to getting a Quickcam 4000 to stream on the net on ubuntu - a-dam - 2007-01-15

Ok. first of all i would like to say ive only tested this on one machine (my own) but hopefully it will work on yours (my machine runs ubuntu).




We will use a daemon called "webcam_server". This is a simple client although it uses a automatic update process if you are viewing threw a webpage, we will set it up so your page refreshes every few seconds with the updated image.



First of all we need a few things:

apt-get install apache2  (not needed if you have a httpd installed already)
apt-get install php5 (not needed if already installed and configured with your current httpd)
apt-get install libjpeg62
apt-get install libjpeg62-dev
apt-get install libjpeg-progs


su -l



cd /root/
wget [url=][/url]
tar xf webcam_server-0.50.tar.gz
cd webcam_server-0.50




if you receive any errors please investigate. If you receive warnings this is usually okay.


make install



now to get your webcam online so you or friends can view it.


If your htdocs directory is /var/www (default on ubuntu) type

mkdir /var/www/client

cp /root/webcam_server-0.5/src/client/webcam.html  /var/www/client/webcam.html
cp /root/webcam_server-0.5/src/client/applet.jar  /var/www/client/applet.jar



once done this is the script installed to your web dir then do;


cd /root/webcam_server-0.5/src
./webcam_server -p 10000


open a browser and go to [/url] also checkout hopefully you will see a webcam image (hit F5 to refresh)


to make the index.html page of your httpd server the image from the webcam simply make the following index.html file in the /var/www dir


img src ="" align="center" width="300" height="300">

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3">


This will retrieve the image from the specified ip/port and update every 3 seconds. (change content="3" to a number in seconds you wish the page to update)


always remember to exit your su terminal when done.


Also i would like to thank P38 and Varjagy from #linux-noob on efnet for helping me threw out the night when i was gettin my webcam setup!



I hope this helps feel free to email me if anyone gets stuck


***Live Demo at [url=***]***


p.s yes i know ive spelt "stream" as "steam" but its 00:48am and im tired so sorry! =)



Tutorial to getting a Quickcam 4000 to stream on the net on ubuntu - a-dam - 2007-01-15

Ive also just found out if that does not work trying adding the device manually by doing the following;



mkdir /dev/usb
mknod /dev/usb/mixer c 14 16
mknod /dev/usb/audio c 14 35
ln -s usb/mixer /dev/mixer2
ln -s usb/audio /dev/dsp2
mknod /dev/video0 c 81 0


im not sure if this will work for any other quickcams or not.


