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How to win a nice AMD from - Printable Version

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How to win a nice AMD from - enigma - 2005-05-27

znx is correct it kinda defeats the purpose of someone new trying to win it...

How to win a nice AMD from - lerum - 2005-05-28

How about a random number chosen from the member numbers.


eg all the numbers from 0 to 9 2563 :)

How to win a nice AMD from - lerum - 2005-05-28

How about a random number chosen from the member numbers.


eg all the numbers from 0 to 9 591 :)

How to win a nice AMD from - lerum - 2005-05-28

How about a random number chosen from the member numbers.


eg all the numbers from 0 to 9 --- 591 :)


However this is rather random. [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_dry.png[/img]

How to win a nice AMD from - katami - 2005-05-30

How about this, this would be soooo random nobody could rig it, except anyweb o_O


Everybody get on IRC and join a channel like #linuxnoobcontest

and linux people run some perl script todo a random number between 0 and 99999 or in windows mirc do "//msg #linuxnoobcontest $rand(0,99999)" and then at the end of the thing have anyweb do it. Who ever matches/gets the closest wins (and if 2 or more get it, who ever got it 1st)


Just my .02

How to win a nice AMD from - Onray_p - 2005-06-07

Gimme Gimme

Or I'll go with the draw or pick a random number, cuz everyone wants to believe they have a chance, plus, you get the chance to give it to whomever you want and no one will be the wiser. It's all fair!

So even if I don't win, I got the chance to win,( Did I win.. did I?)... and then in the end if I don't, I learn that lesson again. ( The world just ain't fair ) Joy and dissappointment, what else is there?