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installing fedora core 4 - Printable Version

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installing fedora core 4 - |.Tipman.| - 2005-10-18

Solved my own problem. I was buring the ISO's unpacked and as Data CD's. errrr When all I really needed to do is keep it ISO and burn it as an image, yay!

installing fedora core 4 - donuts - 2006-01-24



I'm trying to install fc4 on my apple powerbook, all works till the installation tries to launch anaconda...

it seems to recognize (in this order):





then there's an error, but the message is too fast for me to read it properly, but i't something to do with failed to launch X or something...

after that, the screen goes black, and I can only power down.


is there a way of launching a simple installer that doesn't need all the graphics ?


thanks for any help



installing fedora core 4 - anyweb - 2006-01-25


linux text


to do a text based install of fedora,


pressing the appropriate F key to get help at the first boot fedora screen will give you more details





installing fedora core 4 - donuts - 2006-01-25

thanks I'll try that


altho the installer (unlike the debain based ones I've seen) doesn't explicitly give the option, and the only place I'm given a text input is in the booter where I have to choose c for cd...

cheers n' all

