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coding in java - Printable Version

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coding in java - speX - 2006-02-06

my source code as in my java program code? cause my program is extreamly long.... well its a few hundred lines long lol

coding in java - z0ny - 2006-02-06

That's why I said the *relevant* source code, not the entire one. ;) My guess is that you assign the input directly to an integer variable though it gets read as a string. Maybe your Windows JVM automatically converts the input. But show me the source, Luke. :)

coding in java - speX - 2006-02-07

here it is the menu part

/Main Menu

    System.out.println ("Please select a option");

    System.out.println ("1. Play Game");

    System.out.println ("2. Instructions");

    System.out.println ("3. High Scores");

    System.out.println ("4. Exit");

    intInput = reader.readInt();

    //Menu Choices

    if (intInput == 1){


    }else if (intInput == 2){


    }else if (intInput == 3){


    }else if (intInput == 4){


coding in java - z0ny - 2006-02-07

The data type of your "reader" variable would be interesting, too. I just wrote a small example that *should* work (will test it later, not too much time at the moment):



public class myinput {
    static public void main(String[] args) {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            int someint = 0;

            System.out.print("Number: ");

            try {
                    someint = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Input error...");

            System.out.println("Entered "+someint+".");