2008-05-10, 11:30 PM
Hey all
I'v been using Fedora 9 Final for a couple of days now (A special thanks go to a misconfigured fedora mirror in europe).
The essentials:
[mcduck@localhost ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)
[mcduck@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686 #1 SMP Thu May 1 06:28:41 EDT 2008 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
Images now mirrored. To clear up any mistakes: Fedora 9 is not "Released" yet. (This is more like a.. "leak")
Bandwidth graphs for the image server (web server graphs not available). Can you spot the digg effect? :)
Here are some shots from the install. I will not go into detail when it comes to these. One thing that has changed is the encryption option (i did not test this), that allows you to make and install to an encrypted partition.
the grub screen
Fedora 9 booting
create a user
date and time
hardware profile
fedora install
starting install process
installing ipw firmware
installing kernel
congratulations installation complete
what language during install process
select keyboard for the system
creating partition
network setup
time zone
root password
remove partitions
office and productivity
login screen
Finally, time for login. The login box looks rather boring. I liked the old one way better.
One thing to note; The session option (Where you can choose windows manager, for example kde or gnome) is now located as a bar on the bottom of the screen and only becomes visable after you click on your user (when your asked to type password)
Let's confirm version:
Now, lets have a look at KDE 4!
Jummy, it looks so nice! The clock is actually a widget. Notice the image in the top right corner? This is where you add / remove widgets
A little more widgets running here:
Turning on widgets is really easy. Just click the icon at the top right of your screen. This bring forth this menu:
Time to look at some of the updated stuff in Fedora. One such thing is Firefox.
Another thing is the "Start menu". Now it works much like the one in Vista. It takes a little getting used to, but definitly better than the old one (Or the one in Vista).
System monitor and widgets
KDE Version
But Konquerer was not dead!
Please digg!