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I have a Damn Small Linux Box that I use in my car, its an Pentium 2 with 256MB ram and nothing but the Harddrive, Mobo and the built in soundcard/videocard

I don't use a monitor and XMMS plays my music library on start-up, I control everything with a Keyboard


I have 2 questions

1)is there a way to disable services so that DSL boots faster?

I don't need it searching for ethernet devices on start-up and such it takes 1 min 37 seconds to boot (a lot of that time is the ancient bios loading and waiting 15 seconds for the grub to selct DSL) I have already disabled all POST stuff and disabled everything in the BIOS but keyboard and HDD.


2) also is there a way to create my own keyboard map?

I hate having a large keyboard in my car just to change tracks/shuffle ect, is there a method to use a USB number keypad and remap it so that "x"=1, "c"=2 ect ect

or how about away to create custom keyboard short-cuts in XMMS though I'd need a new way to shut down DSL...


I'm all ears and up for suggestions


Quote:1)is there a way to disable services so that DSL boots faster?

There should be. Try "chkconfig --list" to see if that brings up a list of services. I don't know what distro DSL is based upon, but see if that command lists services - if so, "chkconfig --level 345 SERVICENAME off" will turn that service off for run-levels 3,4 and 5 (for instance).


Quote:2) also is there a way to create my own keyboard map?

Yup - firstly, use "echo $TERM" to see what kind of terminal you're using (will probably be "vt100" or "Linux"). Key mappings are in /etc/termcap, although from the sound of it you want to configure XMMS to use keyboard shortcuts to control it, rather than try to control the underlying OS.


In terms of shutting down, you may want to configure the OS to hibernate from a keypress, so you can just hit a shutdown keystroke and let it suspend, bringing it out of suspend when you power back up. Just a thought - I don't know how to do it in DSL meself.


Hope that helps!