I just saw it was a Fedora 8 screenshot I last posted. Seems like such a long time ago. I thought I'd add my current Fedora 10 Desktop.
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With running Applications:
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Firefox and Opera:
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I tend to stick with OS X style themes these days, simply because they are easy to match up in all areas of Linux. (Gnome, KDE theme, QT, Firefox, Opera etc..) I'm running Gnome-Do with the Docky theme (Gnome-Do 0.80) and its by far the best dock application I've used on Linux so far.
nice shots, now where's your Fedora 11 screenies :)
Quote:nice shots, now where's your Fedora 11 screenies :)
I was on a mission to only add screen shots for even number Fedora releases! For you I'll make an exception Anyweb :P
Truth be told, real life has had me busy and just as its settling back down, I'm coming down with a cold :(
Desktop with Gnome-Do showing:
Desktop, Widget Factory, Nautilus and System Monitor:
Spinning Cube:
While I'm here, may as well update this post.
Fedora 13 x86_64, not much has changed, just evolved I think. Theme is edited, I've changed to AWN from Gnome-Do. I still use Compiz but have disabled wobbly windows and a few other things, I still use a number of animated effects though. I have an ASUS Xonar DS, because of this I required Kernel 2.6.34 which is not yet released for Fedora 13, as you will see its working well.
Desktop: Gnome, running an updated version of the conky script from above. AWN, and an updated theme.
Google Chrome: I've dropped Firefox, I was never happy with Firefox in Linux. Its a great browser in Windows but always seems sluggish when using the Linux versions. Yes, I'm also using Windows 7. (New job, I'm required to use it now and again..)
Widget Factory: Just really to show how my theme has changed since Fedora 11. I really do enjoy this, it has custom edits to suite my tastes, like the menu bar didn't work on transparent, little things like that.