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Full Version: Dell refunds customer for rejecting Windows
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Many have seen windows pre-installed on consumer machines as being a "microsoft tax" since it's included in the price of the PC, whether or not it is used. There has already been controversy that some pre-installed ubuntu netbooks aren't any cheaper than XP-installed ones, and the image hasn't been optimised for netbook usage, tarnishing the widespread adoption of Linux on new machines.


However, it seems the rejection of pre-installed windows - and associated refunds - is a reality. As the BBC reported, Dave Mitchell successfully obtained a refund with very little trouble, and more recently The Register reports of Graeme Cobbett achieving the same.


Read more on Graeme's blog


Note: do NOT perceive this as an anti-windows backlash, more an observation that some people CAN buy a computer without an OS (or at least get refunded for one) so that they can install the OS of their choice. It is also interesting how Dell's customer support processes the refund.