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Full Version: new to linux -> what distro (probably tons of these)
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what does 64 studio do ?>
64 studio is a music production program for linux but I'm not sure if it will work with the fedora distro. fedora is made by red hat not debian right?
yes fedora is redhat based and not debian based (unlike ubuntu)

Fedora, CentOS, RHEL are all derived from RedHat, and all use the Redhat Package Manager (or RPM) system for software management. SuSE and Mandrake/Mandriva also use RPMs. YUM is the preferred front-end to RPM.


Ubuntu (and Lesbian) derive from Debian, which uses the DPKG system instead. Their preferred front-end is APT.


Generally, applications found for one distro will usually be ported to another in some form - jsut that obtaining it could be different.

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