2010-05-21, 11:40 AM
Quote:That's cool, I work at amsterdam hospital; amsterdam university is part of it. part of is where I work and the other part is in central Amsterdam(that's probably where your good friend worksHe works at the science labs, UVA.nl - you know that?
Quote:Good idea about keeping a personal log. thanks for the tip.I have a series of files in a directory (actually /export/install/linux/docs) - simple plain-text files - but with names like "mysql.txt", "raid.txt", "migration-plan.txt" which I drop notes in.
I know my memory is quite poor, so I make an effort to capture information in note format and can refer to them later. I started doing it with some programming templates (loop construct, conditions, function declaration, array handling) for different languages I use (perl/php/java/javascript/etc) so that I have something to refer back to.
Plus, doing them in plain-text means "grep" can locate a file quite easily for me!
To me, there's nothing more frustrating than scratching your head with "now.. how did I do that again?" thoughts, knowing full well that at the time I should have recorded what I did. Just taking snippets of notes haven't half helped my sanity at times!