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Hi Everyone-


I just installed RedHat 8.0 on one of my older systems (specs below)and I don't know if I have everything installed correctly yet:


1 Hard Drive Obviously installed correctly

1 CD-WR Haven't tested yet

Mother board DFI Inifinity Ultra Installed Drivers just how Nvidia said to.

CPU Athlon XP 1700+ ?

Sound Onboard Don't have extra speaks to test

Video GeForce 2 Ultra I just picked generic Geforce 2 but I don't

know how to install OpenGL

Monitor Touch? I know this monitor can do 1024x768@85hz

I don't think I have it installed correctly.


Mouse and Keyboard are good except I can't use the scroll on my mouse.


My biggest issues are that I can't get Seti@Home running and that I don't know how to install OpenGL. I would like to start testing out programs and games (MMORPG mostly) on my Linux box, but I believe I need a mentor to help me out and teach me how to be a paddiwan so that one day I may be a mighty Jedi.


Someone? :)

nvidia OpenGL can be found on: [/url][url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=25][/url][url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=25] and [/url][url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=350][/url][url=<___base_url___>/index.php?showtopic=350]


Mouse. in console type: setup

so the dialog will come up in console, go to mouse configure. you can alter your mouse there with wheel support :)


Seti@home <--- don't have any idea. sorry.


Program, to run some windows application will need to install wine. games use winex. office XP, Macromedia Studio Mx need to use CrossOver.


that's all i can help.

heres a quick howto for installing winex


1. cvs login

2. When prompted for the password enter "cvs"

3. cvs -z3 co winex

4. cd winex && ./tools/wineinstall

ive never seen concole text move that fast before in my life. i gazed at it for a few minutes, then went to make myself some eggs.


thanks for the info about how to get wine setup for gaming!

Thanx guys I appreciate all the help. I'll post more questions as I go on.

Alright guys next problem I installed the NVidia drivers just as you all specified in your how to's and by NVidia's site. Bu I can not get it to work this is the error I'm getting while try to run 'startx':


(EE) NVIDIA(0): no HorizSync values remaining

(EE) NVIDIA(0): No modes remaining for display device CRT-0

(EE) NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting ***

(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.


Suggestions guys??