2004-03-31, 01:49 PM
Hello fellow members and guests of linux-noob, I have been using fedora now for just over a week and already I have learned a vast amount of information just from being on this board and in the fedora channel on irc (Efnet, #fedora). Anyone who signs up to this forum is garanteed to learn somthing about linux/windows, and all the knowlege is free :)so do yourselves a favour and sign up today. Also you will notice there is a donation button feel free to contribute any donations to this forum as anyweb has this task to himself at the present time, and everyone knows that paying for your own site is not that cheap. Remember that this is for all of use :)thnx for all the knowlege guys I learned alot so far and look forward to learning alot more...
Greetz To The Linux Noob Team...