2004-04-05, 03:03 PM
So you can't upgrade your old RH server yet to fedora. Worried about security issues that could come out soon. Well don't worry take a look at the fedora legacy project. Its goal is to keep all versions of RH above 7.2 updated.
If you have apt just add these in your sources.list
Red Hat Linux 7.2:
rpm http://download.fedoralegacy.org/apt redhat/7.2/i386 os updates legacy-utils
Red Hat Linux 7.3:
rpm http://download.fedoralegacy.org/apt redhat/7.3/i386 os updates legacy-utils
Red Hat Linux 8.0:
rpm http://download.fedoralegacy.org/apt redhat/8.0/i386 os updates legacy-utils
Red Hat Linux 9:
rpm http://download.fedoralegacy.org/apt redhat/9/i386 os updates legacy-utils