2011-08-17, 06:15 AM
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2011-08-17, 01:39 PM
When I get a chance, I'm definitely hoping to play with CentOS 6 quite a bit. I'm running CentOS 5 currently as the OS on my web server, so an eventual upgrade from 5 to 6 is something I'm hoping to do. I'll want to play and fiddle with CentOS 6 quite extensively first, though, to make sure all the services I run on my server will upgrade smoothly and still behave.
I've burned a DVD, just need to find the time to do a few test installs! :)
2011-08-17, 04:38 PM
I'm going to just check it out how it runs on virtualbox :)
2011-08-17, 07:12 PM
Just installed CentOS 6 as Desktop on virtualbox. Looks like CentOS6 is ready for my desktop environment now.
I may now consider moving to CentOS 6 looking at this. Looks much for the Desktop now. And you can choose between
Desktop Minimal install, Desktop Install, Server Install, Minimal server Install,etc.
![[Image: CentOS-Desktop.png]](http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc452/feedmebits/Screenshots/CentOS-Desktop.png)
2011-08-18, 04:47 AM
Odd question -- but do you remember if the word 'centos' was capitalised or not in the first, textual, part of the installer (see screenshot)? I'm playing with it this morning and it seems odd that the text installer has this heading 'Welcome to centos' where previous versions were 'Welcome to CentOS'. I wonder if it is my download that is not right, or whether it's just a 'feature' of CentOS 6?
<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_08_2011/post-1019-0-73283100-1313642814.png" data-fileid="1314">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_08_2011/post-1019-0-73283100-1313642814.png[/img]</a>
2011-08-18, 04:57 AM
Quote:Odd question -- but do you remember if the word 'centos' was capitalised or not in the first, textual, part of the installer (see screenshot)? I'm playing with it this morning and it seems odd that the text installer has this heading 'Welcome to centos' where previous versions were 'Welcome to CentOS'. I wonder if it is my download that is not right, or whether it's just a 'feature' of CentOS 6?
That's strange lol
No I don't remember. I'm at work now so I'll check this evening for you. I don't think it's your downloaded cuz I think we used the same location to download from.
I'll let you know this evening.
2011-08-18, 07:13 AM
May come in handy [img]<___base_url___>//public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png[/img]
2011-08-18, 07:40 AM
I've made some progress with my CentOS 6 install this morning. I'm documenting every step of the process and recreating my current CentOS 5 server setup on my test VM. I'm also going to make some changes too -- hopefully going to have SELinux in enforcing mode, rather than disabling it entirely as I have done in the past. Some installation, configuration and some learning to be done!
2011-08-18, 07:47 AM
Quote:I've made some progress with my CentOS 6 install this morning. I'm documenting every step of the process and recreating my current CentOS 5 server setup on my test VM. I'm also going to make some changes too -- hopefully going to have SELinux in enforcing mode, rather than disabling it entirely as I have done in the past. Some installation, configuration and some learning to be done!
Sounds like fun :) Keep us updated. I'm just going to be adventurous this evening and install CentOS 6 Desktop and see how I end up; and with RPMForge repository I should be fine hopefully :)
I've got all my data backed up.
2011-08-18, 11:13 AM
Does CentOS support beryl/compiz desktop properly? I had issues back in v4 and the GUI was an awful mess.
If Centy6 is as good for a desktop as a server, I may consider it on my new boxen. At present, I was playing with CentOS for the server and ubuntu for the workstation, but if I can consolidate them both together I'll be quids in!
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