I came across a problem. My screen resolution is not to it's max in CentOS 6. So I decided to download this linux
ati-driver and I rebooted my pc.
Result I have my full screen resolution now. Problem, I think Catalyst control took over my sound/media control. sound media players sound will work anymore (vlc, mplayer,etc). But youtube videos(firefox flash) do play with sound. When I could to system-preferences sounds you get the message. waiting for sound system. I wasn't able to get it back but I was able to reverse it. I went to the terminal and went and did the following:
cd /etc/X11
cp xorg.conf.fglrx-0 xorg.conf
I then rebooted and had my sound back. I then still had to remove the catalyst controller. You can do that by going to terminal and log in as root:
cd /usr/share/ati
and run the uninstaller in there:
sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh
Reboot and you have completely remove catalyst control center.
Looking back at it I could have just run the uninstaller first lol
But now I don't have my highest screen resolution. Have some black bars around my screen.
Will have to find a work around or try out a different driver that won't mess up your sounds.
Think I will try installing the same driver again but this time try and select a custom install
instead of automatic install. See if I can select what I need to install so it doesn't mess up
my sound.
Other than that had do a google search for a el6 version of filezilla. Chrome worked from downloading the rpm from google and thunderbird was in the repositories. Was able to install it with rpm -i package.rpm
Then it said it needed dependences and I did yum package name and it found the depencies and it works now.
I'm using pidgin right now but haven't been able to get amsn to work, will look more later cuz don't really want to
install it from source. Wasn't able to get
teamviewer installed. I was able to get virtualbox installed but wasn't quite working right so will have a deeper look into it tomorrow or so :)
Moderator can you move this topic to CentOS section, it was kind of late when I wrote this and didn't really notice it then