10 new geforce 6800 gt cards.
<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-51-1103026347.jpg" data-fileid="239">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-51-1103026347.jpg[/img]</a>
straight out of a box
<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-51-1103026411.jpg" data-fileid="240">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/post-51-1103026411.jpg[/img]</a>
Dude, that video card looks so awesome I want one :P
10 of them!?!? how much did u paid for 10 of them??? and how much??
any spare, send me one :P
i think it is something to do with work :P
if not then 10 [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png[/img]
man lucky lucky lucky, can i get one of those?!!
no seriously
also im new here [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img]
envy in the house... [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img]
and HI Substance ;)