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I have setup Apache and my Fedora 3 machine is still using the SELinux which will not

allow me to execute scipts I have managed to allow SELinux to show my public_html.


When I execte the cgi script via command line works great but when i do it via web browser

I get 404 I looked at the logs and I have got


[Thu Feb 03 20:20:32 2005] [error] [client] failed to open log file
[Thu Feb 03 20:20:32 2005] [error] [client] fopen: Permission denied
[Thu Feb 03 20:20:32 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: test.cgi


I am using the method of hosting my site via mod_userdir any ideas why my cgi scripts

won run??



does it work fine when you disable selinux ?





yea works fine without SELinux enabled

hmm, i'm no selinux expert, but i believe you can configure it to 'ignore' certain files/directories


i could be totally wrong but if that's the case it may be worth looking into



