have a read of this,
comments welcome
yeah, i set that site up too :)
hey... nice...
i would agree will all those steps except one. System Restore.. disabling it ... mmh. I completely agree virii do get themselves in there and they can stop AV products from cleaning BUT surely for a noob its a service that they could use if they manage to mess up their system.
i personally disabled it the first chance i got on the xp machine i have, but thats because i dont care if i dump my system in the drink [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img]
anyway.... comment given ;)
I think that you should have a link to
Windows Noob Forums
And post up some screenshots from longhorn 5048 ;)
Also add a link to Microsoft Anti-spyware - It's definitely the best by far. B)
done !
and in addition the longhorn screenshots are right here
My ULTIMATE solution to spyware: Reformat and never use IE.
Quote:My ULTIMATE solution to spyware: Reformat and never use IE.
'solution' o_O
hehehe, you can easily solidify IE, its not that hard. however.. I would definately suggest firefox to any and all that ask B)