2005-07-08, 07:31 PM
This Tutorial is free and may be distributed with reference to this website
It is for people running Fedora Core 4 wanting to setup a working Samba
Server to access the Shares on a Linux machine from a Windows machine
Commands are written in green
Everything else are things you might edit / write / add
Get my Tutorials from [/url][url=http://www.bildunxxluecke.de/usr/fedora]http://www.bildunxxluecke.de/usr/fedora
Prepare your Enviroment:
- samba-common-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm
- samba-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm
- samba-client-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm
- samba-swat-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm (install only if you want have samba-webinterface)
Now its time to configure SAMBA:
rpm -i samba-common-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm
rpm -i samba-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm
rpm -i samba-client-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm
rpm -i samba-swat-3.0.14a-2.i386.rpm
Everything should be installed now, its time to configure Samba:
- cd /etc/samba/
- vi smb.conf
You can safely edit this file (in fact you must) necessary is :
workgroup = < your windows network workgroup > e.g.: WORKGROUP
server string = < Information about your Samba Server >
netbios name = < Hostname of Sambaserver > e.g.: SMBSERV01
You dont need to touch the shares so far, if you want to share
other directorys keep and eye on the examples in the smb.conf
Now everything is done and you can start:
[root@test] smbd -D
[root@test] nmbd -D
Now you should be able to access your Sambaserver from your
Windowsmachine via \\< smb machine ip >
For those who want to use swat with samba :
- cd /etc/xinetd.d/
- vi swat
change disable = yes to => disable = no
- cd /etc/
- vi services
make sure the following line is in it : swat 901/tcp # Samba Web Administration Tool
to test do 'grep 901 /etc/services' , if not in insert it
now do : service xinetd restart
Swat should be running now !
To access Swat Webinterface from Lan :
- cd /etc/xinetd.d/
- vi swat
change 'only_from =' to 'only_from = 'your.netmask.0.0' e.g.: ''
the 0 stands for wildcards (e.g. to
Everything is fine .. enjoy now just do http:// SAMBAIP : 901 and login as root