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Happy birthday Niall aka Anyweb!!

I know I'm kind of late but just saw it on your twitter. Want to wish you a happy birthday and wish you many more!! Hope you had a great day and had lots of cake and beer and happiness. Cheers!!

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_11_2011/post-6026-0-80474700-1322248538.jpg" data-fileid="1337">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_11_2011/post-6026-0-80474700-1322248538.jpg[/img]</a>

Happy birthday Niall! Thanks for bringing this site to us! :)
thanks guys and thanks for helping out with the site ! I promise to keep it alive for as long as i'm around :-)

Quote:thanks guys and thanks for helping out with the site ! I promise to keep it alive for as long as i'm around :-)

It's fun helping out :)I do my best.

Damnit, I was away when this glorious occasion happened (mainly because it coincides with my folks' anniversary)!


Belated happy ageing, lad. I'm next on the list...