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Full Version: Configure and running SSHD
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Ok the topic is semi vague. What i want to do is... Obviously run an SSH server on my computer. I am using Mandriva LE 2005. I am using KDE. /bin/bash.


SO i know i have to activate the SSH Daemon to that the server is running from boot. The things i need to know.


Propper paths.

Where will the Home dir be? just /home/(USerName)? or like in a specified location? If i can config this in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file then bonus.


Also what is the command to start/stop.restart? i do not know if the /etc/ssh folder is THE one. like example. appache is /etc/init.d/appache, if i remember correctly. so advise?


Creating the user accounts. Does it just run off the user accounts already created for Linux? if so then i have this one covered.


Some advise and pointers would be much appreciated.



Quote:Where will the Home dir be? just /home/(USerName)? or like in a specified location?
Yes, users are in their home directories after they have logged in via SSH. 

Quote:Also what is the command to start/stop.restart?
That is distribution-specific but as far as I remember it's 'service sshd start' on Mandrake/Mandriva.


Quote:Does it just run off the user accounts already created for Linux?
Yes it does. Use 'useradd' to add users, 'userdel' to delete users and 'usermod' to modify users. These things are stored in a file called '/etc/passwd'.

Rock on much appreciated. And i am WILLING to assume that you connect through IP such as...


ssh for example. Just like with telnet. Rockin, now i can get some trouble shooting from my buddy. Could not before and hard to explain on MSN hehe.


NOW i am THE set.


Thnx a lot.




End of Line



to connect to the ssh server with the ssh command do:


ssh username@serverip


so that would be something like:


ssh pathological@ then just hit enter.

Quote:Ok the topic is semi vague. What i want to do is... Obviously run an SSH server on my computer. I am using Mandriva LE 2005. I am using KDE. /bin/bash. 

SO i know i have to activate the SSH Daemon to that the server is running from boot. The things i need to know.

From boot.. er I forget mdk's exact method.. but I believe that it simply uses symlinks inside /etc/rc?.d/ folders.... for instance:


Start sshd on runlevel 5:

# ls -l /etc/rc5.d/*sshd*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 17 Oct 29  2004 /etc/rc5.d/S50sshd -> /etc/init.d/sshd


This means ..

S = start

50 = numbers less than this start before it.. numbers greater than this start after it (goes to S99)

sshd = the service to start.


Stop sshd on runlevel 0 and 6:

# ls -l /etc/rc{0,6}.d/*sshd*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 17 Oct 29  2004 /etc/rc0.d/K50sshd -> /etc/init.d/sshd
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 17 Oct 28  2004 /etc/rc6.d/K50sshd -> /etc/init.d/sshd


Again the numbers/name is general.. and the K = kill (or stop).


Now I must point out.. I think this is the way mdk does it.. been a while since I've used it.. ;)


Quote:Propper paths. Where will the Home dir be? just /home/(USerName)? or like in a specified location? If i can config this in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file then bonus.

Quick way of extracting the home directory.

# grep username /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f 6