Quote:I have now downloaded and installed SUSE 10, and it is great. I'd never realised what had changed while I'd been in SUSE 9.0 :), KDE looks so much better and sleek.
I've posted a couple of (post-install) screenshots, if you want to have a look. They are 1280x960.
Screenshot 1 - The GIMP and FreeCiv (great game)
Screenshot 2 - Konsole, Firefox, Quanta and Konqueror
Only one issue I had, the default installation of Apache put it here there and everywhere (ie in /srv, which I'm not used to), so I uninstalled the SUSE built version and compiled my own set of Apache 2.0.55, PHP 5.0.5 and MySQL 5.0.15 (in /usr/local).
Nice that SuSE 10 make you happy ;o)
Just one stuff regarding your screenshots, if you like a better font rendering (if you feel it better of course ;)), here is one link to a WIKI page I've written :
The stuff that surprised me with Apache / PHP is the PHP errors are not displayed on the browser but on the apache error log. There were several minutes where I didn't understand why my PHP script didn't work (white page, even the first echo were not displayed) before looking in the error log and realizing that there were a parse error for a missing semicolon ;o)
- You tell that there is no MP3 support in SuSE. I'm not 100% sure but it seems I've read that there is stock MP3 support (almost in Amarok). I can't verify cause I've already installed the win32 codecs...
There is no support for MP3 in SUSE. none whatsoever. even in the Retail version. none of the players could play songs - off a network folder or from the desktop.
This is something that needs to be considerd (another reviews on madpenguin stated that). Even DVD playback is not possible until a DSS decrypter library is used.
This is isnt something native to only SUSE. Many distros like Red Hat, Fedora do not give support for popular multimedia formats.
Quote:There is no support for MP3 in SUSE. none whatsoever. even in the Retail version. none of the players could play songs - off a network folder or from the desktop.This is something that needs to be considerd (another reviews on madpenguin stated that). Even DVD playback is not possible until a DSS decrypter library is used.
My SUSE (Retail Eval download) plays MP3s perfectly, in Amarok and in RealPlayer 10 (even when off mounted NTFS drives). Interestingly, though I can't get XMMS or Kaffeine to play them. o_O
i know that !
if anyone had read the
review properly they would have seen that I wrote this:-
Quote:Next I inserted a blank CDR into the cd burner and sure enough YaST popped up asking what to do with it, I decided to use k3b and put it to the test. Absolutely no problems with it, burned the files just fine. While waiting a few minutes for the cd to burn, i opened up my newly updated Firefox and put in the following [/url][url=http://anyweb.kicks-ass.net/computers/down.../music/SNAP.MP3]http://anyweb.kicks-ass.net/computers/down.../music/SNAP.MP3 which is an MP3 tune I composed years ago (1995 or so...). As with Suse Linux Professional 9.3, RealPlayer took over and played the MP3. Good stuff, but I still can't for the life of me understand why RealPlay does it and xmms can't (as shipped). Pointing xmms at the same URL produces nada. Not even 'due to licensing issues we don't play MP3's sorry'. Oh well. No big deal.
Quote:if anyone had read the review properly they would have seen that I wrote this:-
Whoops. I'm sure I read the review, but obviously not well enough :(
Anyway, MP3s do play in SUSE...
don't worry about it dude
agreed they play,
what i was wondering about was why do they let realplayer do it and not the logical choice xmms
Quote:don't worry about it dude
agreed they play,
what i was wondering about was why do they let realplayer do it and not the logical choice xmms
Yeah, it does seem strange that XMMS used to play MP3s (in SUSE 9 at least), and now it doesn't seem to (or maybe I'm just bad).
Amarok does play MP3s, but it tends to crash quite a lot, which is very irritating.
I'm not sure, whether this crashing is something to do with playing MP3s of NTFS drives, as the MP3s I've played are on one of my NTFS Windows partitions and I haven't tried copying them across.
Quote:don't worry about it dude
agreed they play,
what i was wondering about was why do they let realplayer do it and not the logical choice xmms
Hi anyweb,
Yea i read about RealPlayer playing the songs (didnt overlook that. Re-read it infact, before i posted. :)) I couldnt get the mp3s to work on my system. Guess its me only... o_O
Hybrid - MP3s on my desktop wouldnt play either. So i doubt its an NTFS thing..)
EVen i just cannot understand why XMMS is not updated...wonder why its included at all. Amarok wouldnt play the music on my computer. And for some reason i never even thought of playing it in Real PLayer...
if thats the only app that plays that format, how come XMMS, Caffeine or Amarok are set as default players.
You think it has something to do with XMMS wanting people to visit their site to download the update - or they might be charging distributions extra money to provide the necessary plug-ins..
Just wish there was less updating to be done, right after installation.
(Thanks for the review Anyweb.)
Quote:Amarok wouldnt play the music on my computer.
Amarok seems to crash an awful lot. Any one else get this? After it finishes a song it seems to crash, almos every time. o_O And it's obviously not a filesystem issue :).
Quote:<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="1855" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Amarok wouldnt play the music on my computer.
Amarok seems to crash an awful lot. Any one else get this? After it finishes a song it seems to crash, almos every time. o_O And it's obviously not a filesystem issue :).
I have a stuff like that, but not a crash. After each song (or before cause I've got it when I launch it, my PCM volume is set to 0)