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Full Version: moniter prob.
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hi all, why is it that everytime i try to install ubuntu on a dell{(even w/ live cd)at least with every dell i've tryed) as soon gnome starts the screen goes black (like power save mode) and i get a "out of frequency range message"???

thanks, gus

Quote:hi all, why is it that everytime i try to install ubuntu on a dell{(even w/ live cd)at least with every dell i've tryed) as soon gnome starts the screen goes black (like power save mode) and i get a "out of frequency range message"???thanks, gus

Is that a TFT/LCD monitor or a CRT?



Oh, I'm not entirely sure then. You see if the installer uses a resolution and/or refesh rate that is higher than a TFT's native, it will not appear with a similar message to that one. But a CRT... Do you know what resolution it is supposed to be using?

i don't know but i'll check when i get back home (at work now). oh but ive try the live cd and a few other dell's and get the same result and thay all had lcd's. is it some kind of consperacy that dell dosen't want ubuntu on thier moniters???!!!



Quote:is it some kind of consperacy that dell dosen't want ubuntu on thier moniters???!!!

:) I don't think so, I think it might be to do with GNOME being set at either a too high resolution for the LCD screens or a too high refresh rate. I briefly tested an LCD screen on my PC, and the bootsplash was at 1280x1024, while this 15" TFT had a native res of 1024x768, so it said "Sync over range" until it got to X (I had already switched X's resolution to 1024x768@60, but had forgotten the bootsplash).

thank's ya i used a old acer moniter and then switched back.



Quote:thank's ya i used a old acer moniter and then switched back.thanks


Hey, that's the first problem I've (kind of) fixed at :)


Does that make me less of a Linux noob? :)

Quote:Hey, that's the first problem I've (kind of) fixed at :)Does that make me less of a Linux noob? :)

hehe .. |<-->| that much less.. nice one hybrid ;)