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Full Version: A few Problems
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Alright I'm not a total noob but I'm having some issues. I just did a fresh install of ubuntu 5.10 and right now I'm pretty confused.




1. My sound card is seen by the os. Creative Sound Blaster Live 24-bit, but I dont get any output. I'm going to see if disabling my on-board sound does anything because right now it is enabled.


2. I installed Firefox to my desktop [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ph34r.png[/img] ...I has a folder icon with a lock on it and now i can not remove it. I was hoping I could log on as su and remove it but I dont no the command.


3. I would like to code java on my linux box but I also installed the SDK to my desktop and can't remove that also...


Thanks in advance...





Quote:1. My sound card is seen by the os. Creative Sound Blaster Live 24-bit, but I dont get any output. I'm going to see if disabling my on-board sound does anything because right now it is enabled.
yeah one soundcard at a time is recommended. also check alsamixer and verify that nothing is set to MUTED (scroll all the way to the RIGHT) press M to mute/unmute
Quote:2. I installed Firefox to my desktop ph34r.gif ...I has a folder icon with a lock on it and now i can not remove it. I was hoping I could log on as su and remove it but I dont no the command.

that means you tried to install it as another user, possibly root, to give yourself ownership of the file/folder login as root and do


chown -R anyweb:anyweb /path/to/dir/andfiles


where anyweb:anyweb is user/group


Quote:3. I would like to code java on my linux box but I also installed the SDK to my desktop and can't remove that also...

as above


ps, try to keep one question per post, makes it easier to keep track




Alright sounds up, Removed files, ect,ect...Thanks

moved to ubuntu section.


