2006-02-17, 05:56 PM
Before I start this guide, I need to point out that I'm a linux newbie myself, and I have very little experience with it. I have a passion for computers though, and learning new stuff is something I enjoy very much.
I made my Wireless Network Interface Card (Hereon NIC) work on a HP ZE2247EA laptop. I'm running Fedora Core 4, from a standard, out of the box, installation.
The following guide needs to be performed as root.
The first step, is to identify your NIC, and what chipset it is. When this is done, figure out what drivers WINDOWS would use to make it work. An easy way to do this, if you are running a dualboot, is to check the driver details in windows. When I did that on my computer, I found that my driver is called bcmwl5.inf.
My first attempt at using this driver turned out bad. I had downloaded a 64bit windows driver, but Fedora was kind enough to tell me that I needed a 32 bit, so my search for the correct driver continued. Finally stricking luck, at [/url]http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List , I downloaded the correct file and proceeded installing ndiswrapper.
In Fedora, this was a simple task. Something as easy as typing yum install ndiswrapper would be sufficient *if you have a wired internet connection*. Allthough, the kernel needs to support ndiswrapper aswell, so to implement this in the same command, simply type:
yum install ndiswrapper kernel-module-ndiswrapper
Voila, ndiswrapper is installed, and ready to go.
Next step, unzip the driver you downloaded to a directory you can find it.
I used /lib/windrivers/ . After unzipping the files, I typed out: "ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf". The -i means to install the driver. Of course, bcmwl5.inf needs to be replaced with the name of your own file. To check if the installation and driverusage was successfull, type: "ndiswrapper -l". If this reports "bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present" you are ready for the next step. If it doesnt, make sure you have the correct driver, and that your NIC is active/plugged in.
Since you're still reading, I'm assuming you saw "xxxxxx driver present, hardware present" on the previous step. That means you're ready to write the configuration to modprobe. Type "ndiswrapper -m". This will add the hardware. If that works, type "modprobe ndiswrapper" and/or "ndiswrapper wlan0".
You should now be ready to go. If that doesn't work, you could try something as dramatical as rebooting your system, and that should most likely fix it.
After the reboot or modprobe is done, type "iwconfig". Hopefully, this will now display "wlan0", and not contain any network information.
Set your network SSID by typing "iwconfig wlan0 essid 'Your-Id-Here' [key 'Your key here']". (full details right [url=<___base_url___>/index.php?s=&showtopic=2098&view=findpost&p=7814]here,
Please note that the example here should look like this if your ACCESS POINT ssid=WIRELESS and wep key = aaaaa)
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed essid WIRELESS key 6161616161
You might also want to set Mode to "managed" (iwconfig wlan0 mode "managed").
Natually, if you're connecting to a static network, you will need to set up ip adress and the likes aswell. I myself connect to a wireless router, and get my IP dynamically adressed by a DHCP server. So, a simple "dhclient wlan0", and I was up and running!
Hope this helps you out. Good luck :-)