Linux-Noob Forums

Full Version: howdy
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well, although I'm not a total n00b there's definitely large gaps in my knowledge, so i'm gonna be trolling and posting a bit trying to get up to speed on the stuff i just don't seem to "get". Anyhow, hope to work with you all soon.
YAY .. ask away .. always nice to have a new member :)
hopefully I'll be able to contribute from time to time too!

Quote:hopefully I'll be able to contribute from time to time too!



well, we're all here to help, and be helped

anyway, welkome to ln :-)

Hi and welcome! [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png[/img])


Join us on MIRC 24/7 as well


Efnet #linux-noob

