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Full Version: Error loading files into library (Rhythmbox)
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Edit: I just realized that I put this in the wrong forum. Will repost in Ubuntu and hereby request the moderator to delete this post. Apology for the inconvenience.


Just installed Ubuntu 6.06. I moved a couple of known good mp3 files from my Windoze computer onto the Ubuntu desktop and attempted to listen to them. If I click on them and select "open with Rhythmbox", nothing happens.


If I try to import the file directly into Rhythmbox, it attempts to load it and fails, giving me the message


"Error loading files into library

(The following files could not be loaded)

The file is not an audio stream file"


Assuming a codecs issue, I ran the following in a terminal window:


wget -c [/url]

sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb


(as found at: [ [url=] ] under the heading:

[ Windows Codecs (w32codecs) ])


after running the command line was filled in with:


sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb


so I ran that and all seemed to go OK, but when I try to import the file again, I got the same message as above. Do I need to reboot in order for this type of change to become effective?


In another forum I found that " gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly " would solve the issue. I have examined every option in the synaptic manager and searched many times for the package " gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ", but cannot find anything. I believe that it might be found in the " universe ", but there seems to be no way to turn on the "universe" option (which was mentioned in the post, but unfortunately it was for Ubuntu 4.10 so much has changed since the thread).


Apparently there is something yet to be done? Any assistance appreciated