Hello, I have searched your website for an answer to this question, with no luck, so I am posting this to your members. How
do I make a bootable iso using K3B as a front end to cdrecord? The iso I am trying to make is one of five Solaris 10 OS CDs. Once I have made the CD from an unzipped file sol-10-u2-ga-x86-vX-iso.zip (where X is 1-5) I place it in my cdrom and reboot, but it is ignored and the system boots from the already-installed Centos OS on the hard drive.
Using cdrecord does not work; system doesn't recognize LUN 0,0,0
There is a screenshot of my K3B API at
[/url][url=http://www.zonnker.com/noobie.jpg]http://www.zonnker.com/noobie.jpg I did not do anything to change the default configuration of the K3B tool.
Media is a SONY CD-R 700 MB
OS: Centos 2.6.9-34.0.2.EL #1 Fri Jul 7 19:24:57 CDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
CD burner K3B 0.11.14
boot sequence: 1. CDROM 2. USBDISK 3. HDE (hard drive)
command to unzip: unzip sol-10-u2-ga-x86-v1-iso.zip (No arguments) which produces a sol-10-u2-ga-x86-v1.iso which I burn to CD with K3B
I don't believe this is a Solaris issue, since I have found Knoppix, downloaded and burned in a similar fashion, produces the same results.
Many thanks for your help.
Charles T. Dillard
As long as you know that it can boot CDs (have you check to ensure it can?). Then K3B supports boot.img or boot.ima image files and the CD's become bootable. Just like when you burn a bootable ISO image.
You have to burn as image, not burn the image file onto the CD. Use Tools->CD->Burn CD image
Also you said
Quote:Using cdrecord does not work; system doesn't recognize LUN 0,0,0
Well K3B is just a frontend for cdrecord .. so it MUST work :)Check:
Should list the correct 0,0,0 combo you need.
Quote:As long as you know that it can boot CDs (have you check to ensure it can?). Then K3B supports boot.img or boot.ima image files and the CD's become bootable. Just like when you burn a bootable ISO image.
You have to burn as image, not burn the image file onto the CD. Use Tools->CD->Burn CD image
Also you said
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="2484" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Using cdrecord does not work; system doesn't recognize LUN 0,0,0
Well K3B is just a frontend for cdrecord .. so it MUST work :)Check:
Should list the correct 0,0,0 combo you need.
You are a godamn genius Gump! Burning the image in lieu of copying was the answer. Again, thanks for your insight!