2006-10-07, 07:42 PM
hi guys, with the iminant release of Fedora core release 6, will you be one of the first people to download and install it ?
I will as soon as it hits the mirrors, and I can't wait woohoo !!!!
Quote:hi guys, with the iminant release of Fedora core release 6, will you be one of the first people to download and install it ?
I will as soon as it hits the mirrors, and I can't wait woohoo !!!!
Quote:Over the weekend we ran into a few more bugs with Fedora Core 6 that we > decided were important enough to fix. There were some multilib compose
> issues (wrong packages landing in the wrong dirs), some translation files
> that would cause tracebacks in things like anaconda (whoops), and a
> fedora-release package that forgot to enable updates (double whoops). For
> these reasons and a few others, we decided to respin the release candidate
> tree and push the release date out another couple of days.
> The current plan is to spin a release candidate this evening with some last
> minute fixes, and start the sync. Validation has gone very well up to this
> point and baring any blow ups in the spin process, the release looks very
> solid. We're planning to release on Thursday Oct 19th. This should give the
> mirrors enough days to sync up. If things blow up horribly and we have to
> spin again tomorrow, depending on what time we have to respin we may slip
> until next week, as releasing on Fridays or Mondays gets you the wrath of the
> mirror admins (: