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Hey, I've used KDE for about three days and already tried experimenting to get used to it, as i've been a hopeless Windows user for my entire life... Shocking, I know :P


Now, anyway, my Firefox browser (like there is any other) crashed and I couldn't figure out how to kill it, so I used the "xkill" command, which worked great! However... I had Firefox minimized and thus clicked on the bottom "start-bar line" to remove it. Suddenly I was sitting there with only icons on my desktop and no startline! Firefox still running... well, sort of... ^^,


I got it back by restarting, but is there a way to "load" it again on the fly using the terminal?


Help will be very much appreciated!


On pre-hand; Thanks! (Not even sure pre-hand is a word... o.O)

hi and welcome to the forums !


you can try restarting X which will restart KDE but not the computer


press CTRL_ALT and BACKSPACE together






Quote:hi and welcome to the forums ! 

you can try restarting X which will restart KDE but not the computer


press CTRL_ALT and BACKSPACE together





Thanks, anyweb. I'll keep bothering you if more problems appear ;) ;)


Worked great, thank you! Althought, it requires me to login. I can still live with that. ;) *Bows*


I'll still appreciate it if anyone knows a command I can run to load the bottom start-bar, without having to log in again, very much like you can use "run explorer" in the "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" window (Already forgot what that window is called :)) to "reload" the windows graphical interface. :)

This in theory will do as you say (this will kill the current taskbar & panels and reload them).


Press Alt-F2 to bring up Run Command, and enter:


killall kicker;sleep 1s;kicker &


and that should restart everything.

Quote:This in theory will do as you say (this will kill the current taskbar & panels and reload them). 

Press Alt-F2 to bring up Run Command, and enter:


killall kicker;sleep 1s;kicker &



and that should restart everything.

Forgive my lack of knowledge, but wouldn't the "sleep" command restart the computer itself?


the sleep command simply WAITS for X number of seconds




sleep 3s;


waits around doing nothing for 3 seconds.




Quote:Forgive my lack of knowledge, but wouldn't the "sleep" command restart the computer itself?

Just further to what anyweb said, the reason I put sleep in there was because without it sometimes it doesn't work as the panels haven't finished closing yet. So we close the panels, wait a second for everything to clear up, then reload them.