2006-11-05, 12:23 PM
Hi, I'm new to linux (Fedora) at the moment (1:25PM GMT) I am downloading the Fedora Core 6 "Zod", this will be my first time using linux properly, (been a windows guy for to long), I've a couple of questions if someone could answer that'd be great, cheers.
Q1: Can I play DVDs out of the box (just put the disk in and watch)
Q2: Can I burn CDs/DVDs out of the box
Q3: Will OpenOffice come on the DVDiso or will I need to download/install it seperatally
Q4: Can I do photo editing (like adobe photoshop)
Q5: Can I play MP3s
Q6: Can I play .rmvb's or another format like .wmv
Q7: Is updating fedora as easy as updating windows/mac-osx
Q8: Can I download torrents on fedora just like on windows