2007-01-05, 08:28 AM
Hi all
I am a real noob [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img] so please help me. I was wondering if I can configure my machine to select between two versions of windows XP (Jap and Eng) and a Red Hat Linux 9.
Currently, my machine has only Japanese version of XP installed (pre-installed) but I wanted to add English version(usability) as well and, of course, a Red Hat for my black Baby.
Windows XP already has support for dual booting between different version of windows(Boot.ini? :/ ) and from what I've read Red Hat 9 can be configured to boot between Linux and windows. So, can it be configured like.
1. Select between Linux and DOS (windows) at first boot-up
2. Then Select between two windows installations, if windows was selected at the first boot-up
Display all three partitions at the first boot-up
Since I'am a noob [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img] , the simpler the better.
Thanks in advance.
Note : I've already rearrange the partitions to free space for English version of XP and Red Hat.