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Full Version: Intel(R) Pro/Wireless 3945ABG
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Ok im booting off the latest Knoppix Live CD, 5.1 and I must admit - I'm a total linux noob :)But I have determination and hope that I can get some pointers.


I followed these instructions which I found from google after searching for "my card" linux driver


In order to use the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection driver for Linux you will need the following:


1. The binary microcode image, available here.

2. The binary user space regulatory daemon, available here.

3. The ieee80211 subsystem version 1.1.11 or newer.

4. Linux kernel 2.6.13 or newer. See README.ipw3945 for information on specific options required to be enabled in the kernel.

5. Wireless Extensions (v17) and Tools (v28)

6. For WPA you need a WPA supplicant compatible with the latest versions of the wireless extensions (v18 and newer).


The instructions however are really really hardcore :( I dont know how to use these files even with a step by step instruction.




I really need help using that install guide, can anyone make it simpler for me? Under which kernel?/shell? should I be typing the commands, which commands should I be typing?


Sorry if this is confusing I will clarify anything I haven't helped with



I agree with Maestro - I'm having trouble understanding how to install the drivers for the Intel Pro 3945ABG as well. I understand the concept and I've got the drivers on my non-Linux box, but how do I get them onto my Linux box in order to install them? I have tried burning them to CD and also to a USB flash drive, but I don't know how to mount those in order to take the drivers from the drive to my linux harddrive.


I know the "mount" command, but I still can't seem to "cd" or even "ls" the drive that I've mounted. If I could do that I'm sure I could mv or cp the driver to my harddrive without a hitch.



Any tips?